Kathie has presented workshops, seminars and keynote addresses for thousands of teachers, instructors, parents and trainers in nearly every US State, all Canadian Provinces and around the globe including: The Phillipines, The Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Bermuda.
Workshop Reviews
“This was the most beneficial professional development opportunity I have ever experienced in twenty years as an educator. Keep up the wonderful research and continue sharing your knowledge.” — Brenda Stoneapker, Illinois State Board of Education.
“How can we thank you enough….the summary of teachers’ comments were excellent.” M. Saiz, Program Specialist, Bakersfield City School District.
Hello Kathie, By now you must know the impact you had on all educators who attended last Wednesday. In addition to our staff we had 43 teachers/vice principals and principals from our quadrant, who attended, along with our SO. Your delivery was engaging, based on solid and proven best practice and reinforced the pivotal role teachers play in the classroom. This is by far the best PD we’ve had. I will be looking at securing some of your resources once this busy spell is over. Thanks again, Valerie Nelson, Principal L’Amoreaux C.I. Toronto, Ontario
“You were marvelous!! Thanks so much for being part of our 10th Annual CAAHE Conference last week! I do believe that you were the hit of the conference. I certainly heard quite a number of members saying that they plan to get in touch with you to confirm presentations at their own institutions. You made a subject that I’m sure many people were interested in, but very hesitant about, extremely interesting and informative. Thanks again for helping us out! I hope to work with you again in the future.” – Linda S. Knutson, Director of Academic Development, Institute for Professional Development
“Your workshop generated more positive feedback from our staff than any other workshop I can remember!!! Especially wonderful, give our tendency to look at in services as a necessary evil, but a waste of time. Many thanks, much respect, and much admiration for your common sense ideas, straight-forward and humorous delivery of it, and being so accommodating to us.” Delise Neely, Chairperson, Luxemburg-Casco Development Council. “You gave me much food for thought. The physiology made it interesting. It was even better than the book ‘Emotional Intelligence.’ Of course your humorous delivery was the key for me.” – Susan Harbertson, teacher. “Thanks for the ideas in your workshop. I have been searching for an equitable way to teach to all the levels of students that I have thrown into my classroom. By implementing your ideas into my lesson plans, I now have a tool to allow the average student to feel successful and motivate the high achiever to expand their mind by selecting challenging ways to express their knowledge of the subject study”. Jack Rapier, Head Track Coach, Manti High School. “I wanted to just drop you a quick line to let you & all of those, out there who might be somewhat ‘doubting Thomas’s, after your seminar dealing with Brain Based Information & Layered Curriculum, our entire Academic Staff has made the adjustment from our old line conventional Teaching Methodology & after only one ( 1 ) week of use, are seeing dramatic results. WE so much appreciate your caring & sharing with us all of this wonderful method to reach all levels of students. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Dr. Peter R. Ferguson,Head, Humanities Department,Mount Bachelor Academy, Prineville, Oregon “I attended your inservice at Braxton County Middle School and I must say that, after 25 years of teaching and being put through the torture of inservices, yours was THE MOST valuable and interesting I’ve ever attended. Keep up the good and interesting work!” Beth Simmons, Braxton County High School “Your evaluations were outstanding!” – Dr. Donna Cambria, Superintendent, Connecticut. |
Conference Keynote & Workshop Information
Presentations with Dr Kathie Nunley
Bring 21st Century Professional Development right to your
School, District or Organization
To receive a full information packet for bringing a Workshop to your school
Email: kathie@brains.org
(prices are “flat rate” and include all travel expenses, for MOST cities in N. America.
Email for pricing to other areas)

Half-Day Workshops for 2017
WS1: Differentiation in the Middle and High School Classroom – Maintaining Standards and Your Sanity:
This humorous 3 hour presentation highlights the research behind why the 11 – 23 year-old brain requires a differentiated platform for learning. Included are simple steps anyone can take to start differentiating any subject, any grade level using Layered Curriculum. Perfect for secondary teachers looking for a manageable way to work with diverse populations.
WS2: Don’t Just “Flip” Your Classroom, Tip it Sideways Instead: Layered Curriculum In Today’s Blended Learning Environments
This fun and information-packed 3-hour session gives an overview of Layered Curriculum, followed by how to turn your classroom into a flexible blend of face-to-face instruction, independent online learning and interactive projects.
WS3: 21st Century Teaching for the 21st Century Brain.
This information-filled session discusses the developmental stages of the brain from pre-natal until end of life. Learn what factors influence how the brain is shaped, develops and can be improved at any age. This session includes how to work with today’s fast-paced, electronic-oriented, sometimes frustrating, but always fascinating teenager. You’ll discover how the new Western diet, the high use of visual electronics and sleep- deprivation affect the brain. Practical suggestions offered for both classroom and home.
Full Day (5 hour) Workshops (at your site) for 2017
The How and Why of Differentiating with Layered Curriculum
Differentiating the High School Classroom with Layered Curriculum
(includes participant texts)
Both of these full day workshop on differentiation begin with a fun and humorous overview of how the brain learns. The biology is then incorporated into Kathie Nunley’s Layered Curriculum®, the easiest way to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms while maintaining high standards. This workshop can fit a K-12 audience or tailored for specifically for secondary
Part I: A Student’s Brain: Why it needs Differentiated Instruction! (3 hours): There are four key issues coming out of brain imaging that are of particular interest to educators. The wealth of new information is causing many in education to re-think the way we deliver instruction. Discover some very simple ways to make teaching more brain-compatible and more fun for both student and teacher.
Part II: Layered Curriculum® (2 hours): Today’s schools and classrooms can be overwhelming in their diversity. The secret to success is establishing and maintaining more student-centered programs of learning. Based on current brain research, Layered Curriculum is one of the easiest ways to differentiate instruction in any classroom. Simple, practical and easy to adapt, Layered Curriculum allows teachers to juggle learning styles, multiple intelligences, cultures, and mixed-abilities in one room without sacrificing standards. This 3 layered instructional model leads all students to higher levels of thinking, holds students accountable for learning and encourages success for even the most reluctant learners.
Conference Keynote Topics
1 – 3 hour presentation or 1 hour keynote w/ breakout session
- Differentiation in the High School Classroom – Maintaining Standards and Sanity
- The Adolescent’s Brain: What ARE They Thinking?
- How to Increase Your Child’s IQ: Parent’s are the Most Important Teacher
- Layered Curriculum® – For Teachers with More than One Student in their Classroom
Workshops may include:
Layered Curriculum – the solution to implementing brain-based education. Step-by-step instructions, samples, logistical issues.
Brain Biology – structure and design of nervous systems. A humorous and information packed session on the developmental life of the brain.
Blended Learning – today’s schools blend face-to-face intruction with online independent learning and cooperative projects. Find out how to make the most of these environments.
Memory Systems-participants discover for themselves the effect of stress on memory and learn new ways of teaching to increase retention.
Classroom Management-find out how to set up classroom environments that decrease destructive behaviors.
Current Brain Research – Find out the most recent research in education and neuroscience.
Participant Objectives:
- What does the current brain research show?
- Is it possible to foster higher order thinking in all students?
- How do I reduce destructive behavior?
- How do I teach to a wide range of ability levels and still cover the curriculum?
- How do I shift responsibility for learning from the teacher to the student?
To order a workshop for your school, email Kathie at Kathie@brains.org